Long-distance gas transmission is a unified process system for transmission of large volumes of natural gas from a production area to consumption points. Its length reaches several thousand kilometers. It includes comprehensive gas treatment units (CGTU) for long-distance transmission, a gas trunkline, gas distribution stations and networks, gas utilization facilities.

The CGTU cleans gas from solid and liquid mechanical impurities, dehydrates it, odorizes and reduces its pressure (down to the specified pressure at a gas trunkline inlet). Gas prepared for long-distance transmission flows to the gas trunkline. Gas is supplied to population centers located along gas trunkline routes via gas branches (pipes with lesser diameters). To ensure the rated gas pipeline throughput, compressor stations are constructed along the route every 90 to 150 kilometers. Gas pressure is increased here; additional purification and refrigeration are performed.

At the final point of the gas trunkline gas flows to a gas distribution station, where it is purified and odorized; the throughput volume is measured and gas is delivered to consumers.

Underground gas storage facilities, liquefied petroleum gas storage facilities and specially selected regulating (buffering) consumers operating in the wintertime on a different type of fuel are used to compensate seasonal irregularities in gas consumption.