What is compressed (pressurized) natural gas

Gas is compressed in order to reduce its volume. But CNG as fuel is much more eco-friendly than oil. And it is supposed to gradually replace oil in Russia.

Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo  – a sole operator company focused on expanding the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel

“Compress” – pressurize

Like any kind of gas, natural gas can be pressurized using a compressor. Its volume is thereby becoming significantly smaller. Natural gas is traditionally compressed to a pressure from 200 to 250 bars, which gives a 200-250-fold volume contraction.


Gas is compressed (pressurized) for transmission via gas trunklines to maintain proper pressure inside the reservoir (reservoir pressure) during the injection within the bedrock. Besides, CNG production is an intermediate stage of LNG production.

Notably, CNG can be used as fuel not only for motor transport but also for river, railway, and air transport.

Environment and price

Besides, compressed natural gas (CNG) is used as a motor fuel instead of petroleum products, since it has a number of advantages, the most important being high eco-friendliness and low price.

Since the first combustion engine powered by lighting gas was built in 1860, the global market of transport using gas motor fuel has been constantly growing. This is because gas resolves problems of ecology and deficiency of the conventional motor fuel. Russia’s energy strategy envisages that gas fuels will replace from 10 up to 12 million tons of oil products annually by 2020.

Future of motor fuel

Currently, Russian fleet of CNG-powered vehicles is growing (estimated to be about 86 thousand units to date). Number of CNG filling stations is growing as well with 249 stations open in 58 Russian regions. Gazprom is the absolute leader of the national gas motor market. Gazprom owns 206 CNG filling stations; Gazprom has been promoting gas as a motor fuel in Russia for more than 10 years.